Nossos Gatos


Von Hamm Margot

Scottish Straight



Von Hamm Margot

Scottish Straight


  • Sexo Fêmea

  • Nascimento: 27/08/2021

  • Cor Lilac

 Observações: Filhote de Scottish Straight (British Shorthair)
Reservado ara Arlete e Familia Curitiba PR
Fale com o Criador Agora Fale com o Criador Agora
Fale com o Criador Agora Fale com o Criador Agora Voltar para ninhada Conheça o pedigree


Legato King Of  Von Hamm Legato King Of  Von Hamm

Legato King Of Von Hamm

Charon From Sham Charon From Sham

Charon From Sham

Cat Place Belinha

Jim Bob Von Steffina´s Garden Jim Bob Von Steffina´s Garden

Jim Bob Von Steffina´s Garden

CH Cinderella From Sham CH Cinderella From Sham

CH Cinderella From Sham

Cat  Place Alfred Cat  Place Alfred

Cat Place Alfred

Cat place JadeOf Shalom




Von Hamm Hanna Von Hamm Hanna

Von Hamm Hanna

Danywiedman Nero D Danywiedman Nero D

Danywiedman Nero D

Dog Garden Vivi Apple Of  Von Hamm Dog Garden Vivi Apple Of  Von Hamm

Dog Garden Vivi Apple Of Von Hamm

Ariel of DanyWiedman Ariel of DanyWiedman

Ariel of DanyWiedman

Belen Del Sole Nero of DanyWiedman

Teru Teru Bow Jolly

Cattery Tsuruhara Alice